waterjet O-ring 72176756

The O ring 72176756 is located in the 72178493 Flange Assembly, near the 72170157 Sealing Head Assembly, for the intensifier pump of the SL-VI60HP. The O-rings on this intensifier pump are also used on 20476377 Support, 10118206 O-Ring on Topworks; 10074771 O-Ring on 72175997 Hydraulic Cylinder Head, 5.25 x 5.50 x .13; used on 72134224 Proximity Switch 05144191 O-Ring, .69 x .88 x .09; SL-VI60HP  pump is different from ordinary intensifier pump, all the accessories on it can not be used with ordinary intensfiier pump, because this pump is working The bearing pressure is large, which is unbearable for accessories under 60k pressure. At present, most businesses on the market do not have the ability to manufacture ultra-high pressure accessories and machines. Guanghui has rich experience in this regard. We can not only provide users with ultra-high pressure High-voltage accessories can also be customized for users.