Gland 05116777

Gland 05116777 weighs 0.434 LBS. It is suitable for the SL-VI50HP intensifier pump, it is near the high-pressure pipe 3/8 ” and 2142493 Sealing Head. There are Compression spring 05147863,Poppet pin 05116751 and Discharge poppet 05116561 in it. There is a detection hole on it and water leakage of the hole is usually due to the Discharge poppet 05116561 or Poppet pin 05116751 damaged, the customer can replace the corresponding parts hereby. We have a large number of goods in stocks and can ship it to you within three days after the order, so you don’t have to worry that the delivery time is too long and delay your production schedule, our accessories are produced by ourselves, therefore we can provide maximum favorable for you, we will provide you with free online service, such as troubleshooting for your machine, spare parts installation guide for you.

SL-VI-50 spare parts